Detox Body Detox Body

How To Detox Your Body

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We’re often bombarded with ads and advice on how to detox our bodies. From juice cleanses to detox teas, the wellness industry spares no effort in convincing us that our bodies are laden with toxins that need to be purged. However, a simple yet powerful illustration shared by CUH Dietitians on Twitter reminds us of a fundamental truth:

Our bodies are already equipped with the best detox system.

Detox Body

The image humorously lists three steps to detox:

  1. Own a liver
  2. Own a kidney, if possible two
  3. Done ✌️

Accompanied by vibrant illustrations of the liver and kidneys, this message is a lighthearted yet accurate reminder that our bodies have built-in detoxification systems. Here’s why you can confidently skip the detox fads and trust your body’s natural processes.

Don’t trust any companies that try to sell stuff!

The Liver: Your Detox Powerhouse

The liver is a vital organ that performs hundreds of functions, many of which are related to detoxification. It filters blood coming from the digestive tract, processes nutrients, and neutralizes harmful substances. The liver transforms toxins into water-soluble compounds that can be excreted via urine or bile. It also plays a crucial role in metabolizing alcohol and drugs, breaking them down into safer, more manageable forms.

The Kidneys: Your Filtration Units

Kidneys are equally essential in the detoxification process. These bean-shaped organs filter blood to remove waste products and excess substances, which are then excreted as urine. Kidneys help balance electrolytes, regulate blood pressure, and maintain overall fluid balance. Owning two kidneys ensures a robust backup system, but even one kidney can effectively perform these functions.

The Myth of Detox Products

Despite what detox product advertisements may claim, there is little scientific evidence to support their efficacy. Most detox diets and supplements are marketed with vague promises of improved health and vitality, often lacking the backing of rigorous scientific research. In fact, some detox products can be harmful, leading to dehydration, electrolyte imbalances, and nutrient deficiencies.

Supporting Your Natural Detox System

Instead of spending money on detox products, focus on habits that support your liver and kidneys:

  1. Stay Hydrated: Drinking enough water is essential for kidney function and helps flush out toxins.
  2. Eat a Balanced Diet: Include plenty of fruits, vegetables, lean proteins, and whole grains. Foods rich in antioxidants, like berries and leafy greens, support liver health.
  3. Limit Alcohol and Processed Foods: Excessive alcohol and junk food can overburden your liver and kidneys.
  4. Exercise Regularly: Physical activity promotes circulation and helps your organs function optimally.
  5. Avoid Unnecessary Medications: Use medications only as prescribed to avoid putting extra strain on your liver.


The next time you see an ad for a detox product, remember this simple guide: own a liver and kidneys, and you’re already detoxifying like a pro. Your body has the tools it needs to cleanse itself naturally. Trust in your biology and focus on healthy lifestyle choices to support your body’s incredible detoxification capabilities.

Let’s embrace the new year with a commitment to genuine wellness, grounded in science and self-care. Cheers to a healthy, happy, and detox-free time ahead! ✨

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