Linkvertise Review Linkvertise Review

Is Linkvertise good? I Tested It!

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Hello readers! Today I am going to share my experience with Linkvertise, a popular link-shortening service that promises to monetize your links through various ad formats. Given the number of monetization options out there, I decided to put Linkvertise to the test. Here’s how it went!

What is Linkvertise?

linkvertise dashboard

Linkvertise is a URL shortener that allows you to generate revenue by creating short links. When users click on your shortened link, they are presented with a series of advertisements or tasks to complete before they reach their final destination. These can include watching a short video, clicking on some ads, or filling out a survey.

My Testing Criteria

To evaluate Linkvertise, I focused on the following criteria:

  1. Ease of Use – How easy is it to create and manage links?
  2. Ad Quality – Are the ads disruptive or user-friendly?
  3. Revenue Generation – How much can one expect to earn?
  4. User Experience – How does the entire process affect the end-user?

Setting Up Linkvertise

Getting started with Linkvertise is EASY. Sign up using your email, and you can start shortening your links right away. The dashboard is clean and offers several options for ad types and link customization. This is a significant plus as it allows you to tailor the experience based on your audience.

Creating a new Link

  1. Go to the link creation URL
  2. Enter the link
  3. Type in all details (such as description, images)
  4. Set your monetization settings
  5. Copy the link

Ad Quality and User Experience

One of the critical factors for me was the quality of ads. I found the ads displayed by Linkvertise to be less intrusive than some other services (such as However, the requirement for users to complete specific tasks like watching videos or disabling ad blockers can be mildly irritating. It’s a balancing act – you want to drive revenue, but not at the expense of user experience.

Revenue Generation

Linkvertise does pay, and relatively promptly at that. You can monitor your earnings directly from the dashboard. While the revenue per click can vary, the average earnings were higher when compared to other link shorteners that rely solely on CPM (Cost Per Mille) models. This potentially makes Linkvertise a good option for creators with a substantial following.

Pros and Cons


  1. Easy to Use: Simple setup and link management.
  2. Higher Earnings: Offers potentially higher revenue compared to other URL shorteners.
  3. Ad Customization: Multiple ad formats to choose from.


  1. User Discomfort: Tasks required to access the destination can be annoying (on highest monetization settings).
  2. Ad Relevance: Sometimes the ads may not completely align with your audience interests.

My Conclusion

After testing Linkvertise, I’ve found it to be a reliable link-shortening service that does what it promises – it monetizes your links. It is excellent for those looking to make a bit of extra money, especially if you have a large following. The setup is easy, the ads are not overly intrusive, and the revenue generation is promising.

However, keep in mind the possible irritations for your users due to the tasks required to bypass the ads. As always, weigh the benefits and the drawbacks considering your specific audience.

Linkvertise might not be perfect, but it is certainly a viable option in the monetization landscape. If you already use URL shorteners, giving Linkvertise a try could be a smart move.

I hope you find this review helpful! Have you used Linkvertise? Let me know your thoughts in the comments below.

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