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Wisdom List

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As I reflect on my journey and the wisdom accumulated over the years, I often ponder what advice I would give to my younger self. At 44, I realize the importance of health, mindset, and relationships. If you’re in your 20s, these insights can serve as a guiding light to navigate this transformative decade. Here’s a collection of valuable lessons that I wish I had known back then.

Wisdom List!

1. Prioritize Your Health

The divide between those who took care of their bodies and those who didn’t becomes glaringly apparent as you age. Regular exercise, a balanced diet, and sufficient sleep are foundational to long-term health.

2. The Power of Sleep

Sleep is the best legal performance-enhancing drug available. Prioritizing eight hours of quality sleep and incorporating a 30-minute walk in nature can have profound effects on your well-being.

3. Forgive Your Parents

Understand that your parents did the best they could with the knowledge they had. Forgiveness can lead to mental peace and prevent the buildup of resentment.

4. Exercise Regularly

Exercise is an underutilized antidepressant. Regular physical activity can significantly improve your mood and overall mental health.

5. Track Your Progress

What you measure, you manage. Whether it’s health, finances, or personal growth, keeping track of your progress is crucial for improvement.

6. Honor Your Timing

Ignore societal expectations dictating where you should be by a certain age. Everyone has their own unique timeline, and it’s essential to honor it.

7. Accept Changing Friendships

As you grow, your friends will change. Embrace this as a natural part of life’s journey.

8. Cherish Moments with Friends

Recognize that every interaction with friends could be the last. Cherish each moment and make it count.

9. Avoid Energy Vampires

Pay attention to how you feel after spending time with someone. If you feel drained, it’s a sign to reconsider that relationship.

10. Mind Your Diet

Your diet isn’t just what you eat but also the information you consume and the people you surround yourself with. Make conscious choices in all three areas.

11. Level Up Your Circle

Surround yourself with people who inspire you and push you towards better results. This doesn’t mean abandoning old friends, but seeking out those who can help you grow.

12. Value Peace Over Opinions

The less you care about what others think, the more peaceful you’ll be. Focus on your values and goals.

13. Upgrade Your Brain

Your brain is like software that improves through learning. Read books, take courses, and embrace challenges to keep it sharp.

14. Maintain Your Body

Think of your body as hardware that needs regular maintenance through cardio, stretching, and strength training.

15. Avoid Consumer Debt

Develop a habit of paying off your credit card every month. Consumer debt can lead to significant financial stress.

16. Save Regularly

Save at least 10% of your earnings regardless of your debt situation. Seeing your savings grow will provide a sense of security.

17. Learn to Invest

Understand how to make your money work for you. Investing wisely is key to building wealth.

18. Disconnect Daily

Spend quality time away from screens every day. Life’s most enriching experiences often happen offline.

19. Embrace Boredom

Learn to be comfortable with boredom. It’s a superpower in a world full of distractions.

20. Set and Break Down Goals

Write a vision for your life and break it down into achievable goals. Quarterly projects and monthly tasks will help turn your vision into reality.

21. Eat the Frog

Tackle your most important tasks at the beginning of the day. This approach ensures you make progress towards your goals daily.

22. Hire Coaches and Mentors

Mentors and coaches can fast-track your growth. Invest in their guidance to achieve your goals more efficiently.

23. Invest in Your Network

Spend money on joining masterminds and attending conferences. Building a strong network is invaluable.

24. Avoid Self-Pity

Self-pity and making excuses are signs of learned helplessness. They damage your spirit and hinder your progress.

25. Embrace Discomfort

Growth happens outside your comfort zone. Embrace discomfort as a sign of personal development.

26. Mind Your Gut Health

Your diet affects your gut, and your gut affects your brain. Eat quality foods to ensure your brain functions optimally.

27. Face Your Fears

The life you desire is on the other side of your fears. Don’t let fear hold you back from achieving greatness.

28. Don’t Waste Energy on Worry

Worrying is wasted energy. Focus on actionable steps rather than ruminating on problems.

29. Focus on the Process

A goal is a destination; the steps to achieve it are your GPS. Prioritize the process over the end goal.

30. Prioritize Sleep Over Food

Sleep is more critical than food. While you can survive without food for a while, lack of sleep quickly deteriorates your mental and physical health.

31. Achieve Self-Sufficiency

Aim to maintain your health to the point where you’re not reliant on food or pharmaceutical companies.

32. Choose Partners Wisely

Selecting a life partner is one of the most crucial decisions you’ll make. Ensure they align with your values and personality, not just your physical preferences.

33. Live in the Right Place

In your youth, cities offer opportunities and networks. As you age, consider smaller towns for peace and tranquility.

34. Align Your Environment with Your Personality

Life is too short to live in a place that doesn’t suit you. Choose environments that reflect your personality and preferences.

35. Be Selective with Habits

Habits become harder to break as you age. Choose your habits and vices wisely.

36. Cut Off Negative Influences

Be ruthless in eliminating people who drain your energy and happiness. Surround yourself with positive influences.

37. Follow Your Own Timeline

Get married and have kids when it feels right for you, not according to societal expectations.

38. Live by Your Rules

Live life on your terms, not based on others’ expectations or advice.

39. Test Advice Yourself

Don’t take any advice at face value. Test it in your life and see what works for you.

40. Perception of Age

Age is largely about perception. I feel better at 44 than I did in my 20s, proving that life improves with the right mindset and habits.


Your 20s are a pivotal decade filled with opportunities and challenges. Embrace these lessons to navigate this period with wisdom and grace. By prioritizing health, maintaining a growth mindset, and cultivating positive relationships, you set a strong foundation for a fulfilling life. Remember, it’s never too early to start building the life you envision. Take these insights, adapt them to your journey, and watch as each year gets better and better.

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